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List of Countries in Paris Agreement | Climate Change Commitments

Countries That Agreed to the Paris Agreement

195 Countries That Agreed to the Paris Agreement, landmark international treaty aims limit global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius. This agreement is a crucial step in the global effort to combat climate change, and it is inspiring to see so many countries coming together to take action.

Let`s take a look at some key statistics and case studies to understand the significance of the Paris Agreement.

Key Statistics

According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, as of September 2021, 191 parties have signed the Paris Agreement, and 189 parties have ratified it. This means that the vast majority of countries around the world are committed to taking action to address climate change.

Parties Paris Agreement

Region Number Parties
Africa 54
Asia 47
Europe 28
Latin America and the Caribbean 33
Oceania 14
Total 191

Case Studies

Let`s take a look at a few case studies of countries that have ratified the Paris Agreement and the actions they are taking to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.


France was one of the first countries to ratify the Paris Agreement, demonstrating its strong commitment to addressing climate change. The country has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, including a goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. France is also investing heavily in renewable energy and sustainable transportation infrastructure.


As the world`s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, China`s ratification of the Paris Agreement was a significant milestone. The country has pledged to peak its carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and increase its share of non-fossil fuel energy to 20% by the same year. China is also investing in renewable energy and implementing strict emissions standards for its industries.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a small country, but it has shown tremendous leadership in the fight against climate change. The country has set a goal to become carbon neutral by 2050 and has made significant investments in renewable energy and reforestation. Costa Rica`s ambitious environmental policies have made it a global leader in sustainability.

It is inspiring to see so many countries around the world coming together to address the urgent issue of climate change. The Paris Agreement is a testament to the power of international cooperation, and it gives hope that we can create a more sustainable future for our planet.


International Agreement on the Paris Agreement

This agreement („Agreement“) entered on this day Countries That Agreed to the Paris Agreement, hereinafter referred „Parties.“

Article 1 – Definitions
For the purposes of this Agreement, the term „Paris Agreement“ refers to the international treaty within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which aims to limit global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius.
Article 2 – Commitments
The Parties agree to uphold their commitments as outlined in the Paris Agreement, including but not limited to, nationally determined contributions, adaptation measures, and transparency frameworks.
Article 3 – Implementation
The Parties agree to take all necessary legal and regulatory measures to implement the provisions of the Paris Agreement within their respective jurisdictions, in accordance with international law and best practices.
Article 4 – Dispute Resolution
In the event of any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the Parties agree to seek resolution through diplomatic channels, and if necessary, through international arbitration in accordance with the rules of the International Court of Justice.
Article 5 – Amendments
This Agreement may be amended by mutual consent of the Parties, in accordance with the provisions of the Paris Agreement, and any such amendments shall be binding upon all Parties upon their acceptance.
Article 6 – Termination
This Agreement shall remain in force indefinitely, unless terminated by mutual consent of the Parties, with due regard to the provisions of the Paris Agreement and international law.


Frequently Asked Legal Questions About Countries That Agreed to the Paris Agreement

Question Answer
1. What Paris Agreement countries agreed it? The Paris Agreement is a landmark international accord that aims to limit global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius. Over 190 countries have agreed to this agreement, showing their commitment to combatting climate change.
2. What legal obligations countries part Paris Agreement? Once a country becomes a party to the Paris Agreement, they are legally bound to take action to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, regularly report on their emissions and progress, and work towards the goals outlined in the agreement.
3. Can countries withdraw from the Paris Agreement? Yes, countries can withdraw from the Paris Agreement, but the withdrawal process is lengthy and has legal implications. For example, the United States announced its withdrawal in 2017, but the process wasn`t finalized until 2020.
4. What legal mechanisms are in place to ensure countries adhere to their commitments under the Paris Agreement? The Paris Agreement includes a transparency framework that requires all parties to regularly report on their emissions and progress towards their goals. Additionally, the agreement encourages international cooperation and peer pressure to hold countries accountable.
5. What are the consequences for countries that fail to meet their obligations under the Paris Agreement? While there are no direct legal consequences outlined in the agreement, countries that consistently fail to meet their obligations may face diplomatic pressure and reputational damage on the international stage.
6. Can individual citizens or non-governmental organizations take legal action against countries for not fulfilling their Paris Agreement commitments? In some jurisdictions, citizens and organizations have attempted to hold their governments accountable for climate change inaction through legal action. However, the success of such cases varies by country and legal system.
7. How does the Paris Agreement address issues of climate finance and assistance to developing countries? The Paris Agreement includes provisions for developed countries to provide financial assistance to developing countries to help them mitigate and adapt to climate change. This is a legally binding commitment outlined in the agreement.
8. What role does the United Nations play in the enforcement of the Paris Agreement? The United Nations serves as a facilitator for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, providing support and guidance to member countries. However, the UN does not have direct enforcement authority over the agreement.
9. Can the Paris Agreement be strengthened or amended in the future? Yes, the Paris Agreement includes provisions for parties to periodically review and strengthen their climate commitments. This allows for ongoing negotiations and adjustments to the agreement as the global climate situation evolves.
10. How does the Paris Agreement intersect with other international legal frameworks and treaties? The Paris Agreement is designed to complement and work in harmony with existing international legal frameworks, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Countries are expected to uphold their commitments across multiple agreements.